Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Literary Analysis on Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis

Literary Analysis: The Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis By Agatha Xaris Villa A. Introduction & Rationale It is said that among the major literary genres recognized today, the ‘novel’ is the most accessible to the majority of the readership. However, in terms of stylistic analysis, novels are the most difficult subjects to analyze. However, a trend that has been observed for the bulk of the twentieth-century is that literary criticism conducted on the genre of narrative texts (i. e. novels) have primarily focused on narrative point of view (Short, 1996, pg. 56) and this is not without cause. Among the literary genres, the novel, prototypically, has the most complex narrative discourse structure. In contrast to the prototypical poem and play, the novel has at least three levels of discourse –the author-reader, character-character level, and the narrator-narratee level (Short, 1996, pg. 256-257). The complexity of the novel’s discourse structure is why it has the most number of viewpoints and why it is believed to be the most ideal literary form in which to study viewpoint (Short, 1996, pg. 257)In light of this premise, I shall be attempting to objectively conduct a literary analysis on an extract taken from The Screwtape Letters (1942), the popular satire written by C. S. Lewis with a focus on point of view. When I first read The Screwtape Letters, one of the aspects which I found most refreshingly original and creative about the text was the way in which this age-old story of â€Å"good VS evil† was presented by the author. While there are certainly other creative aspect in the text, C. S. Lewis’ creative manipulation of viewpoint is what I believe provides readers with that distinct sense of creativity and originality.To support this thesis, I will be exploring viewpoint from both macro-level (describing the general discourse relations in the novel) and micro-level (giving an account of the linguistic indicators of view point that show how the author manipulates viewpoint through smaller-scale linguistic choices). B. Basic Information about the Story The Screwtape Letters is what is known as an epistolary novel –a narrative that is told through a series of documents (usually journal entries or letters) from the pen of one or more characters from the story.A characteristic of such types of novels is its ability to provide a very intimate and in-depth view of the writers giving the story a good dose of realness. In all, The Screwtape Letters is comprised of a series of 31 letters written by one of hell’s own ‘undersecretaries’ – a high-standing demon by the name of Screwtape, who is writing to his nephew, Wormwood, who has only just received his first ‘patient’. Throughout the letters, Screwtape passes to Wormwood techniques on temptation and basic devilry – all to secure the eternal damnation of this one soul in the courts of their â€Å"Father Below†.From his own morally-reversed ‘demonic’ perspective, Screwtape explains (to Wormwood) and unveils (to the reader) a new perspective on the spirituality of ‘everyday life’ – something that ordinary men and women are unaware of. He also shows a very vivid contrast between the ways of ‘The Father Below’ and ‘The Enemy’ (God). Of course, as a demon, he speaks of ‘The Enemy’ and his ways with disdain and disgust but to the Christian reader, these are mere affirmations of faith. The story ends as the worst of Screwtape’s own ‘bad scenarios’ is indeed realized – in the death of ‘the patient’ in an air-raid.As mentioned, there are often several levels of discourse to be considered to understand what is going on. In the case of The Screwtape Letters, I believe there are three: a novelist-reader level, narrator-narratee level and the character-character level (as illust rated below). Level 1 Addresser 1 (C. S. Lewis) –> MESSAGE –> Addressee 1 (Reader) Level 2 Addresser 2 (Screwtape: narrator) –> MESSAGE –> Addressee 2 (Narratee) Level 3 Addresser 3 (Screwtape: character) –> MESSAGE –> Addressee 3 (Wormwood: character)There are several interesting things to note in this story’s discourse structure. First of all, it can be argued that all 3 levels on the ‘Addresser’ side may collapse together whenever Screwtape speaks. As a demon, he obviously has a different purpose and aim with regards to the human race and his letters reflect that view. He even describes certain perceptions held by humans which are the direct result of demonic manipulation and propaganda. While he is not, in fact, addressing us humans, as narrator, it feels like he is talking directly to us – effectively fulfilling the role of narrator.Furthermore, even though he is a demon, he is able to give vivid and even impa ssioned descriptions of some of the Enemy’s (God) plans and intentions – to the point that it sounds like treachery on his part. This, I believe is a way in which the author’s own point of view may be heard through Screwtape himself. On the other hand, levels 1 and 2 of the ‘Addressee’ side collapse together. The role of narratee (the person who is addressed by the narrator) in this narrative is more an abstract rather than a solidified concept simply because of the very nature of the letters themselves – ‘private letters’ between uncle and nephew.As the reader reads, he or she takes up both book and role of narratee. In this way, the author is able to reel us into the diabolical mind. As the narrative continues, the more we know of how demons operate the more we ‘understand’ their side but it also further heightens our awareness of their perverseness and evil. For the most part, the book follows the discourse struct ure outlined above (first-person narration) but this is not always the case. However, the fact that a large part of the discourse structure is ‘collapsible’ further strengthens the argument that novels (and this particular story) are ideal for analyzing viewpoint.C. Analysis of the Extract Based on Short’s work (1996), there are several different linguistic means available to the author to indicate and manipulate point of view. In this portion of the paper, I will evaluate and account for significant instances of these indicators or lack thereof to substantiate the claim that viewpoint is a stand-out characteristic of this particular piece of text. 1 Schema-oriented language The study of cognitive science asserts that for comprehension to be achieved; relevant background knowledge must be available and activated. This ‘background knowledge’ is known as schema (i. e. generic information about objects, people, situations and events)(Semino, 2006, pg. 3 8). The author has the ability to manipulate viewpoint by choosing to describe things from one particular point of view – that is, schema-oriented language. The title of the book (The Screwtape Letters) as well as the continued use of the ‘letter’ format in each chapter would have clued the readers to the main viewpoint featured in the text – that of Screwtape. In our extract (the 28th letter), Screwtape himself reveals the disparity between our perception about how demons see things and how they really perceive things.The opening of the extract would have had readers activating and using their schema related to ‘demons’, ‘demonic activity’, ‘war’ and ‘death’. However as they continue reading, it becomes clear that the textual input actually deviates from their pre-existing expectations and causes schemas to be modified (Semino, 2006, pg. 40). This experience is what is referred to as ‘schema refres hment’ (Cook, 1994). The text begins to deviate from the norm when we read of Screwtape chastising his nephew for his naive way of perceiving ‘death’.In a strange move, he advises his nephew (lines 22-24) to pay close attention to the physical safety of his ‘patient’– because ‘if he dies, you lose him’ (line 25). Overall, this seems contradictory to our own conventional thinking about what demons think about ‘death’ and Screwtape is fully aware that it is. In lines 20-21, he explains to Wormwood that humans ‘tend to regard death as the prime evil and survival as the greatest good,’ and continues by citing that this is little more than the fruit of the devil’s own propaganda.Yet another part of the extract which seems to depart from our general assumptions regarding demonic activity is when Screwtape explains the opportunities that adversity, prosperity and long life bring to demons. Naturally, peop le are especially averse towards suffering of any kind – however, to think that prosperity lends an even better opportunity for the demon’s cause may come as a shock for readers – especially those that are not particularly verse in biblical teaching. Indeed, it is important to note that whether or not the reader experiences ‘schema refreshment’ is entirely dependent on his or her personal schemata.Perhaps one of the reasons why this book has been well-received by those in the Christian community is because they have the necessary schemata regarding demons and biblical teaching to help them grasp and appreciate the subtleties of C. S. Lewis’ satirical writing. One interesting thing to note is that Screwtape’s worst-case scenario does come to pass in the end—the patient does die and is thus forever loosed from the demon’s clutches in the same way that Screwtape had described – an air raid. Of course, Screwtape (the c haracter) was not actually intending to predict the future. Value-laden expressions Viewpoint may also be controlled and manipulated by the author through small-scale linguistic choices regarding how to describe particular elements of the story. A character’s viewpoint may be identified by highlighting their feelings or attitudes regarding something. For example, at the beginning of the chapter, Screwtape describes his nephew’s excitement of the oncoming air raids as being ‘infantile’ and that he is ‘singularly obtuse’ in not providing him with the data he really wants.He repeats, ‘do you not know’ (line 8-9) as if to further criticize his nephew for not referring to what should be common knowledge. Later, Screwtape says that he is ‘ashamed’ to even have to explain it (lines 7-8). In all, all these value-laden expressions indicate that Screwtape is upset over his nephew’s incompetence and lack of common sense. 3 Given VS new information In writing a story, the author must make certain assumptions regarding the type of schema or ‘common knowledge’ available to readers and use them to improve the communicative ability of his writing.Traditionally, whenever characters/1st person narrator/author want to introduce new information, they will need to use an indefinite article such as ‘a’. For example, in the extract, Screwtape mentions (for the first time) ‘a great human philosopher’ (line 53) into the letter-exchange. As the story continues, characters may make references to things and events that have already been mentioned in the past and thus refer to them using the definite article ‘the’ which is an indicator of given information.The extract, which is taken from the 28th chapter of the series, is actually a few chapters close to the end of the story and features a small summary of some of the things that Wormwood has tried. In lines 9-17, he refers to ‘the worldly friends’ that Wormwood has tried to introduce to his patients, ‘the girl’ (line 14) whom the patient has fallen in love with and ‘the various methods’ Wormwood has used to corrupt the patient’s spiritual life.All these refer to events and entities in earlier chapters of the book. It is possible that even events and entities that have not been mentioned earlier receive definite reference because the author believes it to be ‘general knowledge’ for readers or he is deliberately positioning readers in a position called ‘in medias res’ (or already ‘in the know’ (Short, 1996) – a technique which is used to further intensify the readers closeness to the events of the story.Take for instance, the references made by Screwtape regarding the characteristics that are being referred to as known characteristics of human mid-life crisis: ‘the long, dull, monotonous years of middle aged prosperity or†¦adversity’ (line 27), ‘the routine of adversity, the gradual decay of youthful loves and youthful hopes, the quiet despair of ever overcoming chronic temptations†¦, the drabness which we create in their lives and the inarticulate resentment†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (lines 27-32). 4 Indicators of character’s thoughts or perceptions The very nature of the extract’s format is indicative of whose thoughts and perceptions we are reading.However, this also means that everything that is told in the narrative is limited to the perceptions of one character. To this end, the author does give some clues as to the level of factivity of Screwtape’s views. In line 5, Screwtape writes that Wormwood ‘seems singularly obtuse’. While ‘seem’ is not a popularly recognized ‘factive’ verb, its inclusion in this sentences tell us that there is a level of uncertainty. In line 17, Screwtape says with some lev el of certainty that if the patient died on that night, ‘he will almost certainly be lost’ to them. And ironically, in the end, that is exactly what happened. Deixis One way in which the author may indicate particular or changing viewpoints is by using deictic expressions (i. e. , expressions which are indicative of the positioning of certain objects in relation to a deictic focal point – the speaker) which may come in the form of demonstrative determiners or pronouns (e. g. this and that), deictic adverbs (e. g. here and there), deictic verbs (e. g. come, go, etc. ) and even tense (e. g. now and then)(Short, 1996, pg. 269). There is relatively little use of deictic expressions to indicate changing viewpoints however, there are instances wherein deictic expressions indicate istance of certain objects from the position of the speaker. Consider lines 20-21 wherein Screwtape writes, â€Å"They, of course, do tend to regard death as the prime evil and survival as th e greatest good. † The use of the pronoun ‘they’ indicates Screwtape’s attitude and perception towards humans – that they are deictically remote from his ‘physical position’ and ‘psychological position’ (because they are not part of the conversation and do not share the same perception regarding death). However, this sentence may make readers feel a distinct sense that they are ‘eaves-dropping’.Furthermore, the author is talking about the readers (us), through the character/narrator in the third person – a round-about strategy that C. S. Lewis employs extensively for the purpose of teaching readers. Another type of deixis which may be found in the extract is the use of ‘social’ deixis which refers to the use of different naming terms that indicate differences or similarities in social status and standing. Just as in every chapter of the book, Screwtape insists in using the greeting ‘My Dear Wormwood’ and the closing remark ‘Your affectionate uncle’ which tells of the close relationship between the two demons.While he is superior in rank and does reserve the right to strongly criticize Wormwood, he seems to be doing so as a mentor to a beloved student – an uncle to a nephew. That is, if familial love is even possible between demons. 6 The sequencing and organization of actions and events In novels, the way in which events are sequenced and portrayed is a means through which we can see the impressions and viewpoint of a particular character. In fact, this way of psychologically sequencing events is often used to present the perceptions of the I-narrator/character during the time of the events.The extract does not attempt to recreate any moments but seems to either be recalling past events or giving the viewpoint of someone who sees the human life from a higher vantage point – allowing him to see a bigger picture. He cannot see the e ntire picture since he has neither hold nor distinct knowledge of the future. In conclusion to this segment, let us move from analyzing viewpoint simply from the point of view of spatial-temporal viewpoint onto examining viewpoint in terms of ‘ideology’ or ‘world-view’ – the generalized mind-set our outlook that a person, often a group representative, on the world. Ideological viewpoint In a way, there is no better, simpler or more logical way to be able to see simple complexity of C. S. Lewis’ use and manipulation of viewpoint in The Screwtape Letters than to analyze it from an ideological standpoint. It is interesting all in itself to find a human attempting to realistically enlighten readers about the truth behind human life from the point of view of a demon especially when that human is an unabashed and staunch follower of the Christian faith and makes no concessions regarding his own ‘ideological point of view’.Screwtape, in being a demon, obviously sees the world differently than humans or the good/God side. Human life is important to him only so far as it gives ‘his side’ the opportunity to secure yet another soul for the fires of hell. Also, being a higher-ranked demon with more experience on the field, Screwtape’s ideological point of view is different from that of Wormwood in that he has the benefit of resources and information that his inexperienced, first-time tempter nephew would not have access to. Thus, as was noted in the extract, he is not excited about the same things Wormwood is excited about – e. . the war, death, etc. and he is rather forthright with the evaluations, judgments and advice he passes onto his nephew. However, Screwtape does have the propensity towards describing the Enemy’s position in quasi-fashion. As a demon, he is supposed to be in opposition to the Enemy however whenever he describes the Enemy, he becomes a puppet for the author to spe ak of the truth thus sounding like a completely different person at times. It is ironic because Screwtape himself does not agree with all the things that he says. For example in the last two chapters of the etter (lines 40 – 65), he describes how the Enemy protects humans from the full brunt of demonic temptation by exercising His sovereign power over time and even them and his plan for humans in heaven. In his own demonic way, he sings praises to the work of the Enemy. D. Evaluations regarding literary analysis On the whole, it would seem that I have been able to support my initial interpretation regarding this piece of text. I have been able to describe the viewpoint of my extract from a macro and micro view as well as have found instances of most, if not all, of the linguistic indicators of viewpoint.However, there are limitations that I foresee both in my attempt and the practice and process of literary and stylistic analysis in general. First of all, for the purpose of m anageability, I could not carry out an extensive analysis on my chosen piece of text. I was restricted to the analysis of an extract. In addition, I had to choose to concentrate on only one aspect of the text which means that I could not take into account other aspects of the text that may have given me a more rounded interpretation of the text.There is a great possibility that my objectivity in analyzing the text has been compromised from the very beginning since I began with an initial interpretation regarding the text. Furthermore, my personal schemata regarding the subject matter affects the way that I interpret texts and therefore the output of my literary criticism and analysis; making it almost impossible to arrive at a completely unbiased and objective analysis. Being a Christian myself, I share the same ‘ideological viewpoint’ as C. S. Lewis and interpreted the text with the same assumption.This is not to say that my beliefs are actually on the same page as the author’s and truthfully, there is no way of knowing. This means that certain aspects of the text that appears outstanding to me may only be significant for me personally. Finally, an important thing to note is that stylistic analysis is in not a ‘static’ output but may be subject to change in relation to the availability and status of resources available to analysts at any given time. As Short admits, ‘no analysis is entirely objective it he sense that it is true for all time. ’ With new forms of analysis come new findings and new or modified interpretations (1996, pg. 58). E. Conclusions on literary analysis While some may argue that the systematic way in which literary analysis studies literary texts may hinder analysts from simply partaking of the joy of reading, this has certainly not been the case for me. The Screwtape Letters has always been one of my favourite books of all times. After having analyzed one chapter, specifically with point of v iew as a theme of analysis, I now have a renewed sense of respect and admiration for the narrative skill of its creator and with the complexity of the creation itself.Overall, I believe that I have done my best to attempt to systematically and objectively analyze the text and have managed to come to some conclusions that are both expected and unexpected. And while I am sure that there are certainly some aspects I have missed out on or even overworked, I am quite satisfied with my attempt and hope to continue putting the practices of literary analysis to practice to enhance and deepen my understanding of other literary works of interest. References Cook, G. (1994).Discourse and Literature: The Interplay of Form and Mind, Oxford, Oxford University Press. Lewis, C. S. (1942). Chapter 28 The Screwtape Letters. C. S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. Semino, E. (2006). Reading C: Cognitive poetics. Chapter 1 Literature and creativity in English in Goodman, S. and O’Halloran, K. (eds) The art of Eng lish: literary creativity. Palgrave Macmillan/The Open University, pg. 37 – 40 Short,M. (1996). Chapter 9 Fictional prose and point of view. Exploring the Language of Poems, Prose and Plays, London: Longman. pg. 255 – 279 Short,M. (1996).Chapter 12 Fictional prose and point of view. Exploring the Language of Poems, Prose and Plays, London: Longman. pg. 354 – 358 Short, M. (2005). Topic 8 – Discourse structure and point of view. Ling 131 Language & Style is a Stylistics course. Retrieved on December 2008. Retrieved from: http://www. lancs. ac. uk/fass/projects/stylistics/topic8/begin8. htm ———————– Addresser 1 (C. S. Lewis) MESSAGE Addressee 1 (Reader) Addresser 2 (Screwtape: narrator) MESSAGE Addressee 2 (Narratee) Addresser 3 (Screwtape: character) MESSAGE Addressee 3 (Wormwood: character)

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Belonging: An Individual’s Interaction with Others

Social interaction is an essential part of any relationship; it is the determining factor for one’s perceptions of the society around them and their own identity. Relationships are initially built upon mutual interests and acceptance and this is closely linked with one’s innate desire to be able to affiliate with a group or another individual. Both these ideas are explored in the ‘Namesake’ by Jhumpa Lahiri and the picture book: ‘The Lost Thing’ by Shaun Tan. Lahiri explores the importance of shared values and experiences in a relationship for it to prosper rather than the need for social interaction. This notion is shown through the relationship Ashoke and Ashima forge throughout their life. Despite having an arranged marriage, without having known each other beforehand, Ashoke and Ashima form a powerful emotional bond during their married life. Throughout the book, the interaction between Ashima and Ashoke is somewhat limited in speech but their bond is shown through emotive passages instead. An example of this is when Ashima tries on Ashoke’s shoes; this action is a symbolic harbinger of how well they both ‘fit’ together over the years. Furthermore, the quote: â€Å"Eight thousand miles away in Cambridge she has come to know him† illustrates how the challenges of being migrants together and the mutual experiences in America and in India serve to strengthen their conjugal ties. Their relationship, hence, is an intuitive one instead of one where verbal communication is needed. The ostracism experienced by one unable to interact with others is shown in ‘The Lost Thing’ by Shaun Tan. The lost thing is an anomalous creature in a bureaucratic society searching for a place to fit in. However wherever it goes, it is met with an apathetic attitude from the citizens. The citizens of this society are so innately obsessed with practical outcomes that they have lost all sense of creativity and even conversation for the sake of conversation. Tan illustrates the austerity of this world by depicting it with rigid angles and an overall sepia tone. However one boy forms a relationship with the lost thing out of pity and tries to find its home. The boy provides food, shelter and care to the lost thing and these simple actions fuel their temporary feelings of belonging. Their relationship is encouraged by the need to fulfill an action; in this case-finding the lost thing its home. The brevity of their relationship is highlighted by the abrupt separation of the two: â€Å"It seemed as good a time as any to say goodbye to each other. So we did. † The objective language and the truncated sentence demonstrate the brief and conditional nature of their bond. Once the condition was fulfilled, the need to belong was abated. This shows the necessity of interaction in creating a sense of belonging; had the citizens of the society acknowledged the presence of the lost thing, the lost thing may have remained there. Lahiri also goes on to demonstrate how social interaction can lead to one’s compromise of their identity. Gogol is a prime example of this; as a child of migrants, Gogol is confronted by two different cultures and feels he must be one or the other. As Gogol’s relationship with Maxine develops, we see him conform to Maxine’s standards, hiding his Bengali identity: â€Å"She is surprised to hear certain things about his life: that all his parents’ friends are Bengali, that they had had an arranged marriage, that his mother cooks Indian food every day, that she wears saris and a bindi. .. ’But you’re so different; i never would have thought that’. He is not insulted, but he is aware a line has been drawn all the same†. To be a part of Maxine’s life, Gogol realises that he has to live her way of life; the American way. This compromise of identity led to even more confusion on Gogol’s behalf and in the end, as he starts to embrace his heritage, he rejects Maxine and her life. This shows how one’s perceptions of identity are crucial in determining and maintaining relationships with others. The need for conformity in the society of ‘The Lost Thing’ in order to gain acceptance is shown by Shaun Tan. As the boy takes the lost thing around town, it is taken to the boy’s home. There, it takes up a huge amount of space and is impossible to ignore, however the parents of the boy do not even glance at it. Another instance where this lack of acknowledgement is shown is when the lost thing stands in line of banal, grey citizens. The lost thing clearly stands out as it is big, red and round, but no one notices it. Tan uses this confining imagery as a way to effectively convey the segregation between society and the lost thing. The lost thing is unable to integrate itself into the society as it is both unable to conform to the dull criterion of the society and unable to gain acknowledgment of its presence. The shunned lost thing finds no admission into this society where the citizens do not dare stray from their quotidian routine for fear of exclusion. There is a place in this society that odds things are taken o: â€Å"The Federal Department of Odds and Ends† with the motto â€Å"sweepus underum carpatae†. At the end of the book, the lost thing does not find its home but it does find a place where its individuality is accepted. The boy even goes as far as saying â€Å"I mean, I can’t say that the thing actually belonged in the place where it ended up. In fact, none of the things there really belonged. They all seemed happy enough though, so maybe that didn’t matter . † Consequently, what is shown here is that social interaction is needed, no matter what form of interaction, to gain a feeling of acceptance. Ultimately, social interaction is inherent in all aspects of belonging. It is the basis of all relationships and also a factor for one’s self perception of identity. This complex process is vital for one’s mental and physical health as it challenges the barriers in place that one automatically establishes in a new setting. The ‘Namesake’ by Jhumpa Lahiri and ‘The Lost Thing’ by Shaun Tan explore the ways in which social interaction can affect relationships and identity which in turn affect one’s perceptions of belonging.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Almond Tree By Stallworthy

Almond Tree By Stallworthy Essay Poetry is often written as a result of reflecting on an intense emotional experience or a significant event. Examine the techniques used by one poet to convey the significance of an experience or an event, which gave rise to a poem, or sequence of poems. The Almond Tree by Jon Stallworthy describes through the eyes of an expectant fathers supreme emotional joy at the prospect of the birth of this child. The excitement and joy turn to despair and hopelessness when he is told that his son is a Mongol. The poem begins on an optimistic tone and the poet conveys this prospect by giving life to objects, which are normally dull and go, unnoticed; Trees of black iron and lights as green as peppermints. The poet uses a fairytale image to create a lack of realism in order to re-enforce the optimistic tone As if I were the lucky prince in an enchanted wood However the poet uses this technique further on in the poem to convey his devastation when realising the he will not be able to communicate with his son because of his disability; Never to come ashore into my kingdom speaking my language In my opinion this creates a good contrast to that of his image at the beginning of the poem. Jon Stallworthy uses a clever use of personification as another technique in order to portray his hopes The tower held up its hand the college bells shook their heads in blessing This once again stresses his anticipation and excitement at the prospect of becoming a father. The poet also uses personification as he describes the symbolic almond tree waving him. For the tree was waving me waving me upstairs As before this is in direct contrast to further on in the poem when the almond tree is once again wavin g at him; And the almond waving me down This contrast I believe conveys the significance between the two emotions that the poet is facing. When the almond tree is waving the pet up stairs his emotions lack reality. However when the Almond tree is waving him down it is a direct balance to before and he is brought back down to reality. In order to create tension as the poets excitement increases at the birth of his son the poet uses imagery and that becomes physiological as the poet recreates the process of birth by using words like; spinal, bone white and blood tide. The poet attempts to capture the rhythm of labour with Walls shuddering shuddering womb wave after wave wave after wave beat on the bone coast. This also introduces the image of the sea, which is continued throughout the poem Lashed down ship shape my son sailed from me Are both in contrast to the previous mention of ships as once again this technique portrays the poets two very different emotions. One of the more used techniques that Jon Stallworthy uses in this poem is a metaphor and he uses this technique along with imagery to convey his happiness when his son is born as he compares his new found happiness to wealth; My bright farthing coined by our love ow you enrich us He describes his son as his best poem and welcomes him to his white sheet. In my opinion this represents a new beginning however this does not last for long as he is then told that his son is a Mongol. The manner in which he is told that his son is a Mongol is straight to the point and very clinical. He uses words such as scissored and slicing which both indicate his primary bonding with his son have been cut. READ: Antigone Ismene And Haimon EssayYour son is a Mongol Is detached blunt and straight to the point and can be seen as monosyllabic. As clean as a bullet Describes how this information destroys his life. This was my first death Explains that he will experience this death more times in suffering. In order to relate the poets lack of acceptance Jon Stallworthy describes the man as having an outer body experience. The following words end in assonance, which gives the poem a slower pace. As the symbolic Almond tree brings him back to reality it begins to bud which I believe symbolises birth and life the tone becomes a more hopeful one as; Bud after bud split Is the poets rebirth and understanding growing. He sees it as beautiful labour like a mother giving birth and the trees full blossom like a ship in full sail. From this technique I think that the poet can now see himself blossom in the sense of understanding. Fathered by m son Only when he recognises this can he turn to acknowledge the son he was about to reject.

AIG Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

AIG - Case Study Example The risk management division at AIG knew very well of the risks they were taking but still they carried on with this unstable, fraudulent yet lucrative opportunity. In the end, the company almost got to the brink of bankruptcy. Greed and negligence led AIG to be a part of the derivative business. The derivatives are risky investments and many wise investors avoid these instruments because of their highly unpredictable nature as well as the loopholes for exploiting them through scams and frauds. This payment comes in the form of collateralized debt obligations (CDOs). Before the crisis began these instruments were in huge demand because they were offering higher returns than other bonds that had the same credit ratings. Therefore, speculators as well as investors heavily purchase these instruments from insurers such as AIG. Before the crisis the US financial market was going through bullish trends and it appeared improbable for bond issuers to go through bankruptcy (Xinzi, 2013). Hence, CDS seemed the most lucrative selling financial tools for collecting premiums. By the end of 2007 the CDS contract grew to about $60 trillion and there was no doubt that when the times were good CDS were generating huge reve nues for AIG (Xinzi, 2013). In addition, many banks and underwriters of CDS covered their short positions in one instrument while staying long in other CDS (Xinzi, 2013). AIG did not play on both sides of the trade (Xinzi, 2013). The unethical side of AIGs derivative business was not to fully cover the insurance it was providing. When the risk management is underwriting the risks they should keep track of the companys resources in case they have to pay the claim. The company was not oblivion about the risky nature of the securities it was insuring. The management only considered the quarterly premium that kept coming in. In other words AIG failed

Sunday, July 28, 2019

PERSONAL STATMENT for BUJASSIM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

PERSONAL STATMENT for BUJASSIM - Essay Example The overall consequence of self-awareness is improved productivity at work because of the understanding of ability to perform required tasks and to identify areas to improve on then make the improvements From the feedback, I have learnt that I am not as precise as I should. Some of my illustrations are vague and require more elaboration so as to make points in a clear and unequivocal manner. Even though I may be qualified for a job, someone may beat me to it because I do not present my skills well enough and miss the important details. It is my responsibility to ensure that whenever I present my skills, I must include the most relevant and provide sufficient details such that no questions are raised due to ambiguities created by me. Providing better evidence entail the use of better illustrations than I used initial. These examples must be related to the subject matter and explain all its relevant features. One perspective that is useful to assume is the viewpoint of the reader. After completion of the piece of work, I must look at it as the intended audience would have done. If I do so, I will be able to detect unconvincing parts and change them accordingly. In addition, I must go through the work upon completion to ensure that the language used is suitable and captures what is intended. Lastly, I can also focus on what is relevant so that time is not wasted on what is not needed as it will only serve to demonstrate a lack of keenness on my part. I can enhance my employability by stating clearly what my strong points are whenever I present myself for an employment opportunity. Since each job is unique in its requirements, I must align my qualifications and experience to match what the employer is looking to get from a particular job opportunity. Being lucid and cogent about my values, commitment to work and the desire to help achieve job objectives as well as personal goals is bound to paint a picture of an employee

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Diversity of the World for Children Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Diversity of the World for Children - Essay Example Gay marriage is often discussed by contemporaries. Whether homosexuality is a sexual or psychological deviance or is it a norm, should it be public or not and many other issues are high on the agenda nowadays. The children’s literature is another sphere, which is properly considered in the modern world as a really important phenomenon of the modern life. In the book â€Å"Daddy’s Roommate† by Willhoite (1990) these issues are correlated. Whether children literature should illustrate phenomenon of homosexuality or not is argued further on. Thesis: In spite of different stereotypes, gay relationships are present in the modern world and there is no need to avoid this demonstration of the world’s diversity. It is better to position gay relationships as another kind of love, which is the way to happiness, as the author of the book claims. Summary The book â€Å"Daddy’s Roommate† by Willhoite shows to the modern readers a challenging problem of living in family of two gays. Basically, homosexual parents do not differ from heterosexual parents. There is a strong emotional bound between two parents and a boy. They go shopping, gardening, making trips to the zoo. There are affectionate relationships between these two parents and boy is growing up surrounded with a great care and tolerance. There is a friendly atmosphere in their family. For this small boy being gay is just another kind of love. It is not a socially perverted representation of love it does not violate moral norms and it is not against social stereotypes. Analysis There are equal incongruities between gay couples and heterosexual couples: the author presents that there are even fights between two gay parents (Willhoite 1990, pp.8-12), but it is possible to underline that heterosexual couples are often quarrel and even fight. Moreover, the book does not promote gay love, it tells about gay love as about another kind of love. There is a story about two adult men, who are gay. They are not young and their relationship is stable. There is a tendency to establish short-term love relationship among heterosexual young people, as well as among homosexual young people. The point of the book is different. It informs about gay relationships, it neither criticizes nor promotes it. Gay relationship is shown as is. The book shows that in the course of time there is a natural necessity to appreciate the beloved person and there is a need to contribute much into the development of mutual happiness. Gay family is positioned as a final point of two lonely hearts’ wanderings. Both men are pacified and put their mutual efforts into social development, social activity etc. The ban In spite of criticism against the book, there are also proponents of the book and they argue against the book’s ban. On January 20, 1998, the Hays (K ansas) public library board showed antagonistic moods against the book’s ban. Their main claim coincided with the main claim of a small boy, the main character of the book. This book was another depiction of love and a homosexual life style did not differ much from life style of other couples. In accordance with the moods of the Library Director Melanie Miller: â€Å"I do not believe in restricting access to those child library patrons who would benefit from the book because there are parents who do not believe that their children should have access to the material† (Nava and Dawidoff 1995, p. 34). Another claim is made by the Brevard County (Florida) Library Board, which removed the book from the library shelves. The members of the Christian Coalition made an emphasis on the absence of necessity to leave the book in the library. As a result, de facto censorship was criticized by the readers. There is an evident struggle against the book and in 1999 the Nampa (Idaho) L ibrary Board decided to leave  Daddy’s Roommate  and  Heather Has Two Mommies  in the juvenile nonfiction section. The staff of the library claims that there is no book, which would be acclaimed by all parents to the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Marketing coursework 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Marketing coursework 2 - Essay Example This has been accredited to expanded development and complexed advances that associations are utilizing nowadays to triumph over markets (Christensen, Michael and Jonas 2005). Due to transformation and improvement in expertise, most enterprises are starting to discover worldwide markets for better earnings and opportunities. Advancement in expertise encompassing relation efficacy and better worldwide connections has assisted to the advancement of the worldwide trade. To accomplish larger investments and better market possibilities in the worldwide market, it is essential that prime and smaller market study be finished to double-check that data considering the homeland is attained (Chesbrough 2003). This paper will thus gaze into the obligations and designs required for Panasonic Company to go in a overseas market productively. The major matters that will be tackled by the paper will be; homeland study utilizing PESTEL, business study utilizing SWOT, functioning plans, trade blend and last assessment. Onida was founded by Mirchandani and Mansukhani in 1981 in Mumbai, India. In 1982, Onida began to assemble televisions at a factory they had. Since then, Onida has turned out to be a company with multiple products in the consumer markets. (Solberg 2000). Since its inception in 1982, ONIDA as a constructing business has supported its objective to conceive goods and services that will assist to the sound expansion of humankind and assist to humanity through its business. PESTEL investigation is utilized to enquire the crucial components, which sways a trade and the leverage they have on a specific business or businesses functioning in that specific industry. Political components entail government principles, which are associated to the industry. The financial components encompass the broader financial performance. Social components on the other hand concerns to

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Nuclear waste management assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Nuclear waste management assignment - Essay Example Radioactive waste is dumped in the facility and kept there forever based on the assumption that radiation form this waste is containable for enormously large periods of times based on the engineering and structure of the repository and the types of rocks surrounding the facility. It is assumed that while the waste is kept in the repository, level of radiation it emits will decrease with time. Since rock formations around the repository are being depended upon to keep the radiation of the radioactive waste within the facility, location for the repository needs to be such that is surrounded by roc formations that can effectively add another barrier to the radiation’s escape. The repository will be built in a way that the waste is engulfed in multi layers barrier. When the repository is being designed, it needs to be ensured that its structure is such that in case waste needs to be retrieved, that can be easily managed. For those who believe that it will be an overnight transition, they are quite wrong. The government plan concerning its Managing Radioactive Waste Safely (MRWS) program span over a period of decades ant the first repository is thought to be ready by 2040 though regulating bodies are pushing to bring his date forward to the year 2029. This large scope of timelines makes it very clear that this project is not an easy one to undertake. The repository will not be functional for a long time for it does not only have to serve the purpose of a waste disposal site but it has to be safe and environmentally proven to be established. Unfortunately, safety is never a 100% guarantee in anything related to the nuclear industry but checks and balances are being kept in place to minimize any potential risk these repositories might pose. After site selection and before building of a repository, a complete risk assessment of any potent harm the repository might bring will be done

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

M1A2-Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

M1A2-Communication - Essay Example He knew that the organization must proceed with its work no matter what. The operations of the organization must not be neglected in any conditions. On the other side the way Colleen responded to the situation was because of the influence of her personal life. She had been making plans for her daughter’s pre-school graduation for a week and now she was trapped in an uncertain situation. The situation would have been better if Ricardo and Colleen would have dealt with it more properly. Ricardo should have made Colleen understand the loss that the company could have incurred if she isn’t there to fill the vacant place of her colleague. Colleen must also understand that uncertainties are a part of life and there would come times when she has to choose her professional life over personal life and vice versa. She must try to balance her personal and professional life. She can make an excuse to her family and must ask her husband to take her daughter to her pre-school graduation. She can also compensate for her absence by taking her daughter for dinner any other time (Louie,

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Mental Health Policy Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Mental Health Policy - Term Paper Example The Medicaid and Medicare a times under pays in that money given to the hospital is less than the one stated. This leads to bad debts. To solve this problem the hospital will invest on alternative policies (Fawcett & Karban, 2005). The hospital has set up a policy in which the hospital will offer a membership plan at which one will have to posses a membership card. In it annual contributions will be required and members will have to renew the membership cards. This will cut on the dependency of the patients’ on the Medicare and Medicaid. This will have mutual benefits, in that it will reduce the problem of hospital incurring bad debts due to under payments by the Medicare and Medicaid. On the other hand the patients will be able to pay less also pay nothing in the case of minor illnesses. The other problem faced by the hospital includes the ability to diversify patients mix. The solution lies on, first creating sections in the hospital to deal with different complications. This will take place without creating an impression that there is discrimination. There will be a well-trained costumer care to enable the hospital have a friendly look hence increasing the client base due to recommendations by those who visit it. Since the hospital main client bases are the elderly, the hospital will invest in a pediatric section to deal with complication relating to children. To reach out to the community mobile stations will be set a side and mobile doctors assigned to enable services provided are of high quality. This will market the hospital to the entire region hence many will seek help to our hospital (Fawcett & Karban, 2005). To ensure inclusiveness of the entire community, hospital signs and labels will be in a language that involves the entire community. The staff will be taught different languages to enable ease in understanding the patients’ complaints. The hospital will be able to provide and feel at ease in

The Black writers Essay Example for Free

The Black writers Essay Whether Racism is an issue of not in USA (also in some Western Countries), it is a flourishing business. The Black writers are aware of this fact and do not hesitate to take ‘un’due advantage of the situation. When a Black writer takes on another ‘black’ writer, the basic issue, the calamity of being a Black, is intelligently swept under the carpet or the issue will be highlighted with a thick coat of extra Black, for the purpose of competition. I remember a three-time divorcee, also a scholar in the oriental language Sanskrit, comment on the theme family. Marriage is the foundation stone for a happy family,† he said and then went on to dissect the word ‘Vivaha’ (marriage). ‘Vaha’ means to flow and ‘vi’ means harmoniously together. Therefore, the word ‘Vivaha’ means to flow together harmoniously. Two distinct individuals, two separate personalities, bred, born and brought up in different set of circumstances try to come together from that day onwards to find a common identity, a common goal, and to be precise a common all! â€Å"he said. thank for you support to the institution of marriage, the three-time divorcee that! An author, when he decides to write the novel, has the issue and theme hovering in his mind. His being an author is itself the major issue. Howsoever detached he claims to be, he can not avoid himself, from the word go to the last sentence of the novel. The next importance issue is the influence of the family, an important family member or members! Percival Everett is a Professor of literature and Head of the English Department at the University of Southern California and the author of fourteen previous novels. He is the Ellison in the novel under review. Ellison faces personal and family crises—most notably, his aged mother is fast succumbing to Alzheimer’s and he is also struggling to understand his father’s suicide seven years before. The first 10 pages of the book relate to conversation between brother and sister, brother and brother and other personal issues. This is the first indication of the firm attachment the author has for the family, or say the ‘joint family! ’ The book is an entertaining mix of serious issues clubbed with personal affection and parody. The ‘family’ thread appears and reappears in the novel in one form or the other. Everett had a strong provocation to write this novel. The badge of suffering that had been a part of the Black family not many decades ago in U. S. comes to the fore in the very first page of the book. He writes, â€Å"I have always been severely put off by any story which had its main character a writer. (To an extent it is true of this novel also! ) So, I will claim to be something else, if not instead, then in addition, and that shall be a son, a brother, a fisherman, an art lover, a woodworker. If for no other reason, I choose this last, callous-building occupation because of the shame it caused to my mother, who for years called my pickup truck a station wagon. †Ã¢â‚¬â€the familial bonds are subtly explained and given importance to! (p. 1)He novel is a parody of contemporary African-American literature. It contains excellent descriptions on authentic family/social feelings with depth and emotion. My Pafology was initially submitted to the Agent under the gangsta pseudonym Stagg R. Leigh. This one ‘wrong’ step leads to a series of comical, problematic situations later as the novel climbs the ladder of unprecedented success. Thelonius Monk Ellison, author of experimental novels, is somewhat estranged from his family because he was favored by an emotionally distant, recently deceased father. When his sister is killed, Monk returns to Washington, D. C. , to care for his mother, who is in the early stages of Alzheimers disease. ’ The graphic description as to how he tackles the family crisis, clubbed with the professional crisis, with the burden of seventeen ejection slips for his novel, which later turns out to be a monumental success, keeps the reader glued to the novel. Monks main character is an Ebonics-spouting brute with no regard for his four children or their respective mothers. Everett is an enormously talented writer, who juggles with the serious issues related to Black race and other problems faced by US with ease and makes you ponder and giggle at the same time. His wit, the mode of criticism and sarcasm are worth noting. The ideas are engaging and he has intelligently roped in the black community and the white community, his sweet-bitter comments on the US social system merit careful attention, though he says it with a hilarious authenticity.

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Life and Presidency which were ended Essay Example for Free

The Life and Presidency which were ended Essay He was the first American President to be born in the twenty-first century. He became the first American President of Roman Catholic religion. At the age of 43, he was the youngest man ever to assume the seat of the chief executive of the United States of America. He was also the youngest ever president to die while his term as president has not yet ended. On the afternoon of the 22nd day of November 1963, an assassin bullet killed the then President John Fitzgerald Kennedy (Rabe 63). It marked the end of his young life as well as his term in office which he was only able to serve for two years and ten months. The rest of the world mourned his sudden death. Members of royalty, premiers, and presidents attended his funeral. The then Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson assumed the presidency following his assassination (Barnes 8). It was his New Frontier program that earned him the edge to ultimately succeed in the presidential race (Schlesinger). Kennedy represented the Democratic Party. The then Vice President Richard M. Nixon of the Republican Party was his opponent (Scott 290). Kennedy earned international respect as the leader of the Free World (Barnes 60). By the year 1962, Kennedy significantly augmented the country’s prestige the moment he prevented a nuclear war from happening. This move forced the Soviets to pull out missiles from Communist Cuba (Rabe 4). It also signed the start of the period of â€Å"thaw† during the Cold War while relationships between the country and the Soviet Union grew friendlier. During the year 1963, a treaty prohibiting underwater and or above the ground nuclear weapons testing was signed by the both countries counting as well over a hundred other nations. On the domestic scene however, the country enjoyed the highest peak of its wealth during this point in time. The demands of the people of color for civil rights produced major domestic crises. However, the people of color were able to achieve more significant developments in their pursuit for equal rights than ever before since the Civil War. The first manned space expedition by Americans happened during President Kennedy’s term of office. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration also geared up to send astronauts to the moon during this time (Schlesinger 920). Kennedy’s Political Career Several Democratic leaders believed that Kennedy possessed quite a lot of weaknesses as a presidential aspirant. According to them, one of Kennedy’s major disadvantages as a presidential candidate was his faith. Among the other potential weaknesses include the presidential aspirant’s relative inadequate experience in dealing with international affairs, the Kennedy family’s wealth, as well as John F. Kennedy’s youth. Some members of the Democratic Party opposed Kennedy for the reason that they deemed that the presidential aspirant is too conservative. The presidential campaign of 1960 was quite a hard-fought battle. Kennedy and his opponent, Nixon were both spirited and young campaigners. Initially, most experts assumed that Kennedy’s opponent would be held victor of the election (Barnes 69). Nixon earned the advantage of serving as Eisenhower’s Vice President (Barnes 33). It is important to take into consideration that Eisenhower was an extraordinarily popular President. Nonetheless, John F. Kennedy was not as anonymous as some people consider him to be. His beautiful wife, Jackie, his affluence, and his good looks caused him to become a popular subject of magazine and broadsheet articles. His exposures in television have also been of great help to his political career. His four debates opposite Vice President Nixon were aired on television during that time (Barnes 75). The debates they had signaled the start of presidential aspirants arguing about campaign issues confronting each other (Author #). The debates Kennedy and Nixon had helped the former in gaining nationwide recognition. Kennedy’s self-confidence aided in his response to criticisms that he lacked the maturity required for assuming the chief executive position in the country. Kennedy as President He was inaugurated to the highest seat in government on the 20th day of January 1961 (Schlesinger 120). When Kennedy assumed the responsibility of the federal government, he was confronted by internal problems which include a slow-moving economy, unemployment, and augmented racial tensions. Moreover, in terms of international relations, Kennedy dealt with the ongoing spread of Communist influence as well as the threat of nuclear warfare (Barnes 105). His program called the New Frontier went on a slow start. However, the 87th Congress eventually started passing actions supported by the Kennedy government (Schlesinger 1081). The Congress endorsed the aid to economically depressed areas in April of 1961. In the following month, they allowed an increase in the minimum wage per hour from a dollar to a dollar and twenty five cents. They approved Kennedy’s Trade Expansion Act in September of 1962. It gave Kennedy extensive authority to reduce tariffs in order for the country to engage in a free trade with the European Common Market (Schlesinger 844). The United States Peace Corps was one of the most successful programs of his administration (Rabe 5). The corps deployed thousands of Americans overseas to aid the citizens in developing countries to improve their standards of living. The President restructured the country’s defense strategies by increasing standard military hardware. Kennedy sought to be equipped for non-nuclear warfare as well as to exert all possible efforts to prevent the use of nuclear weapons of destruction (Schlesinger 825). One of the chief domestic concerns during his term as president was the demands of the people of color for equal rights. With the intention to meet the rising demands of the people of color, the President called on the Congress to ratify a legislation which would require restaurants, motels, and hotels to admit customers regardless of race (Spencer 29). Furthermore, Kennedy likewise called on the Congress to give the authority to the attorney general to start court suits to desegregate academic institutions on behalf of private citizens who were not able to begin taking legal actions on their own (Spencer 30). His Assassination and his Legacy On the fateful day of November 22, 1963, while their motorcade traveled along the streets of Dallas, the President was assassinated through a series of fatal gun shots which took his life (Spencer 5). The President arrived at Dallas along with the First Lady, Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson and Mrs. Johnson. The primary goal of their visit was to settle the tension in the Texas Democratic Party prior to the 1964 Presidential campaign wherein the President considered running for a second term. The group passed through the streets of Dallas in Texas in a motorcade as they head to the Dallas Trade Mart. The motorcade approached an expressway at the final leg of the trip at around 12. 30 in the afternoon (Barnes 136). All of a sudden, three gun shots were heard as President Kennedy fell down after the bullets stroke his neck and head. The doctors who attended on the wounded President did their best in a desperate attempt to save his life. However, the doctors said that the President had no chance of survival the moment he was brought to the hospital. The untimely demise of the spirited and youthful President stunned the rest of the world. The legacy of his short-lived term as chief executive of the county is one of hope instead of an enduring achievement. He assumed the highest position in the country at a time that is regarded to be one of the most dangerous periods in American history. Nonetheless, although he may have had a frequently turbulent term in office, it still remained vibrant. Ultimately, however, his legacy was one that is emotional. Kennedy’s legacy is a nostalgic commemoration of his short term presidency at a time when a new generation was in control and the country had an utterly glamorous and a well-renowned head of state. Perhaps, it is America’s version of Camelot. Although it was not for real, it is enough to cling onto until the divisiveness and unattractiveness set in (Rabe 6). The debate over the legacy of Kennedy as a chief executive and as a person remains unabated. To most of his fellow men and women, particularly those who came of age during his term of office, a sense of lost idealism and nostalgia continues to linger upon him. In recent times, however, revisionist historians have stressed his defects – the manner in which he and his brother, Robert bended the law while serving government positions by means of wiretapping and intimidating their political opponents, his numerous affairs and willingness to conceal the truth behind his health condition from his fellow men and women, the level to which his political career was sustained by his father’s wealth and influence, and his international relations policy errors in the Bay of Pigs and Vietnam (Schlesinger 293). A fair evaluation of his presidency is supposed to acknowledge his shortcomings at the same time credit his unquestionable achievements. Kennedy may have made a huge mistake in the Bay of Pigs. Nonetheless, he was able to prevent a nuclear warfare happening between the Soviets and Communist Cuba and parlayed his detente into notable agreements like the nuclear test-ban treaty. Kennedy may have failed to meet expectations in terms of affording the same civil liberties enjoyed by whites. Still, his instrumental support for the people of color was significant in their struggle in opposition to segregation. On one hand, there are those who claim that if the assassination of Kennedy had not taken place, he may have done the same mistakes in Vietnam which eventually pulled his successor down (Rabe 148). On the other hand, there are those who claim that Kennedy had an ability to rise to occasion in crucial moments, initially as a war hero and ultimately as the chief executive of the United States (Barnes 13). Perhaps most notably, by means of his rhetoric to unify the nation as well as by mean of his programs such as the Peace Corps, Kennedy inspired a generation of Americans in a manner that very few chief executives who have ever served the country were able to do during their term of office (Rabe 5). Having done so, Kennedy very well deserves the respect and admiration afforded to him. Controversy as well as mystery lingers around his death. There are those who regard his assassination as a horrible incident which signaled the end of the public innocence and marked the start of the social and political turmoil usually associated to the 1960s (Spencer 5). Even though Kennedy’s life and presidency ended all of a sudden, he was still able to leave behind a valuable political and personal legacy to his people and to the rest of the world. During his period, not everyone was enthusiastic about his actions as a President. Kennedy was looking forward that his trip to Dallas would strengthen relations between his government and the powerful, mostly Republican traditionalists who reside there. Even though he was very much aware of the opposition many of the locals there have towards him, Kennedy still had faith in the power of connecting with and reaching out with the residents and the political figures of that particular city in Texas (Spencer 6). No one could have thought the President’s trip to the city would end in a tragic way. His death permanently changed the way in which succeeding presidents mingle with, and is protected from the public. He was shot to death while he was sitting in a convertible car with the top down. From then on, no other chief executive of the nation sat in a vehicle which is not protected with a bulletproof shield (Spencer 6). The moment he was shot to death, presidential assassination is not considered to be a federal crime (Spencer 6). Thus, the police force of the city headed the investigation of the crime. Eventually, it was made clear that crimes of such magnitude could require the involvement of federal agents like those working for the Central Intelligence Agency as well as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (Spencer 7). Kennedy’s death likewise signaled significant technological as well as cultural changes in the country. News aired on television came of age reporting about his assassination as well as the events which followed thereafter. The arrest as well as the eventual murder of his suspected assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald was also aired on television (Spencer 7). The eternal legacy of his death may be something that is not certain. Nonetheless, he embodied a youthful optimism and dynamism which inspired not only his fellow men and women but people from all around the world too. He has the power, the wealth, and the youth. He kept his commitment to equality and freedom while serving his country and his people. As the chief executive, John Fitzgerald Kennedy was able to establish a public image greatly appealing to much of America. He inspired in many of his fellow men and women strong idealism and optimism, and he appeared prepared to carry the country out of one of the most challenging period in its history. Kennedy’s term as president and his young life may have been suddenly concluded by bullet shots from a gun, reducing not only his native country but the rest of the world as well in a period of great grief. His death was definitely tragic. Even so, it generated the impact of amplifying as well as reinforcing his legacy. Although Kennedy’s moments of presidential brilliance were interrupted by occasions of uncertainty, he is nonetheless cherished and respected by most people. How much greater he could have achieved, how farther he could have reached had his life not ended in an untimely death are among the most provoking inquiries that can never be given definite answers. Works Cited Barnes, John A. John F. Kennedy on Leadership: The Lessons and Legacy of a President. New York: AMACOM Division of American Management Association, 2005. Rabe, Stephen G. The Most Dangerous Area in the World: John F. Kennedy Confronts Communist Revolution in Latin America. North Carolina: UNC Press, 1999. Schlesinger, Arthur Meier. A Thousand Days. Massachusetts: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2002. Scott, Peter Dale. Deep Politics and the Death of JFK. California: University of California Press, 1996. Spencer, Lauren. The Assassination of John F. Kennedy. New York: The Rosen Publishing Group, 2002.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Candide and Redemption, Moral Truth, and a Just Society

Candide and Redemption, Moral Truth, and a Just Society Candide and the Theme of Redemption Voltaire view of redemption is that it has to be bought. Candide, the primary protagonist, lives with Baron before his expulsion. One of the teachings that he clings to is optimism in life. He is expelled from Barons castle and losses the girl that he loves dearly-Cungode (Voltaire, 1999). After the expulsion he sets to travel the world though not by choice by due to various circumstances. His journey and life shows that when a person is optimistic in the end they get saved from the sufferings that they have endured. His redemption from the misfortunes that he has suffered is made possible at the end when he not only gets Cungode back but also finds a family and farming career which makes him happy. What remains apparent is that for Candide there has to be a price paid for a person to gain back what was his. For example, he purchases the freedom of the old woman, Pangloss and Cunegode. The willingness that Candide had to purchase back this people indicates that he believed that to get redemption a price has to be paid. The other example is that in order to save her beloved Candide had to kill two people. Salvation therefore comes but only at a price that a person must be willing to pay. Candide and the theme of Moral Truths Moral truth as presented using the protagonist Candide is subjective implying that there can never be an absolute level of morality. By extension, this means that moral truth is when the good that a person does surpasses the evil that they have committed. For example, Candide makes a statement that if I had not been so lucky as to run Miss Cunegondes brother through the body, I should have been devoured without redemption'(Voltaire, 1999).. This statement indicates that Candide killed to protect himself and there he is justified for doing so. The other example is when Candide kills the monkeys that were biting the buttocks of young ladies. He is relieved and says that although he killed two people he has saved the lives of the girls Also, moral truth involves striving to ensure that the lives of beloved ones are improved whenever one can. For example Candide helps Pangloss, Cunaagode and the old woman with a pure heart. He purchases a farm and they start cultivating to improve their lives. When asked if this is the best of all possible words as Pangloss used to teach Candide does not give an absolute answer but sates We must tend our garden. This implies that the moral truth is simply hard work and improving life. Candide and the theme of Just Society The society is in many ways presented as being un-just. Candide and other characters are always placed in a situation where they have to suffer in the hands of bad people. For example Candide is expelled from Barons castle simple because he was found kissing Cunegode. It is not fair that Candime has to take the blame alone.   On his journey he is brutally flogged without a good justification. There appears to be a great gap between the rich and the poor. Those who are powerful take advantage of the vulnerable within the society. All this occurrences make the society to be evil. For example, women are used and the damped if they come from a lower social class as indicated in this statement; The old servants of the family suspected him to have been the son of the Barons sister, by a good, honest gentleman of the neighborhood, whom that young lady would never marry because he had been able to prove only seventy-one quarterings, the rest of his genealogical tree having been lost through the injuries of time'(Voltaire, 1999). The other example of unjust society is presented in the way slaves are treated without mercy by people who are in power. I need not tell you how hard it was for a young princess and her mother to be made slaves and carried to Morocco (Voltaire, 1999). This statement indicates that being made slave was involuntary but the slave masters were indifferent to their suffering. Reference Voltaire (1999). Candide. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay --

The documentary titled Killer at Large: Why Obesity is America’s Greatest Threat is a documentary shedding some light on the growing trend of America and its expanding waistlines. The documentary is geared to unmask the epidemic of obesity in our country. The film sheds some light to our society is how our society is fixated with living and unhealthy lifestyle. The film goes on to inform you on how bad the situation really is, where two-thirds of the American population qualifies as obese or overweight. The documentary tried to uncover the root and causes of how this epidemic came to be and how it can be reversed. This documentary shows great examples on how obesity is a rapidly growing epidemic as important as terrorism according to Former Surgeon General Richard Carmona. He stated, â€Å"Obesity is a terror within. It destroys our society from within†¦.† If we don’t take responsibility and change our horrible eating patter we are going to be doomed. One of the main reasons for obesity other than the lack of a healthy diet is the modernization of our world. In the years when our parents... Essay -- The documentary titled Killer at Large: Why Obesity is America’s Greatest Threat is a documentary shedding some light on the growing trend of America and its expanding waistlines. The documentary is geared to unmask the epidemic of obesity in our country. The film sheds some light to our society is how our society is fixated with living and unhealthy lifestyle. The film goes on to inform you on how bad the situation really is, where two-thirds of the American population qualifies as obese or overweight. The documentary tried to uncover the root and causes of how this epidemic came to be and how it can be reversed. This documentary shows great examples on how obesity is a rapidly growing epidemic as important as terrorism according to Former Surgeon General Richard Carmona. He stated, â€Å"Obesity is a terror within. It destroys our society from within†¦.† If we don’t take responsibility and change our horrible eating patter we are going to be doomed. One of the main reasons for obesity other than the lack of a healthy diet is the modernization of our world. In the years when our parents...

Strategic Leadership Essay example -- Business Management Studies

Strategic Leadership The only thing harder than being a strategic leader is trying to define the entire scope of strategic leadership a broad, difficult concept. We cannot always define it or describe it in every detail, but we recognize it in action. This type of leadership involves microscopic perceptions and macroscopic expectations. Volumes have been written on the subject, which may in fact contribute to the difficulty of grasping the concept. One finds confusing and sometimes conflicting information on this blended concept that involves the vagaries of strategy and the behavioral art of leadership. Sometimes the methods and models used to explain it are more complicated than the concept and practice of strategic leadership itself. Exercising this kind of leadership is complicated, but understanding it doesn’t have to be. Beginning with a definition and characterization of strategic leadership and then exploring components of the strategic environment may prove helpful. Future leaders must also recognize the nature of that environment. Finally, they should also have some familiarity with ways of developing competencies for dealing with the broad, new challenges that are part of leading in the strategic environment. What Is Strategic Leadership. The common usage of the term strategic is related to the concept of strategy—simply a plan of action for accomplishing a goal. One finds both broad and narrow senses of the adjective strategic. Narrowly, the term denotes operating directly against military or industrial installations of an enemy during the conduct of war with the intent of destroying his military potential. Today, strategic is used more often in its broader sense. Thus, we use it to relate something’s primary importance or its quintessential aspect for instance, the most advantageous, complex, difficult, or potentially damaging challenge to a nation, organization, culture, people, place, or object. When we recognize and use strategic in this broad sense, we append such meanings as the most important long-range planning, the most complex and profound decisions, and the most advantageous effects from a bombing campaign as well as leaders with the highest conceptual ability to make decisions. As mentioned earlier, strategy is a plan whose aim is to link ends, ways, and means. The difficult part involves t... ...e, again, to expand their perspective and increase their conceptual ability. In fact, many of them are experts in a number of unrelated fields. Becoming a dual expert helps one think in multiple dimensions. After committing to some or all of these development activities, potential leaders should reflect on each activity as a way of mining the total benefit and seeking greater meaning. They will also benefit from mentoring other leaders and being mentored themselves. When mentors share their experiences, they help others know and understand them. Conclusion The many components of the strategic-leadership environment challenge even the best leaders. The monumental consequences of strategic decisions call for individuals with unique performance abilities who can navigate the volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity inherent in the nature of those decisions. Aspiring leaders can rise to the challenge by undergoing self-assessment and personal development. Accepting the demands of strategic leadership involves a transition from the art of the familiar to the art of the possible. This is the realm of strategic leadership and the strategic environment.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Broad-Based Oppositions in Hungary and Yugoslavia :: Communism Governmental Political Essays

Broad-based Oppositions in Hungary and Yugoslavia No two countries in East Central Europe share the same experience of Communism. Parallels can be drawn between countries, groupings can be made and put into tiers, and data can be compared. But each country has a unique past which continues to make itself felt in the present day, despite the common direction the countries are taking towards a free market economy and multi-party democracy. Hungary, for example, has a more westward-leaning tradition than Yugoslavia does. Though their alliance with the Hapsburg Monarchy may have hindered the development of institutions of self-governance and a modern economy, that same tradition with Austria probably also helped it usher in the changes of 1989 more swiftly than many of its neighbors. The debate is still going on as to whether the Austrians did more harm than good for the country, but one thing is clear: Hungary has enjoyed a far less painful transition than many of its neighbors, including Yugoslavia. A comparison of the overall transit ion since 1989 in the two countries lies well beyond the scope of this paper; I intend, however, to look at the election systems, the most recent election outcomes and the major political powers in place in Hungary and Yugoslavia and draw some similarities between the opposition coalitions were formed. In Hungary, all citizens above the age of 18 are eligible to vote. Though there are no controversial language requirements, voters must be in the country on the day of the election in order to participate. Hungarians traveling abroad for business or on vacation are excluded, as are those temporarily living in another country; there is no system in place similar to the American absentee ballot system that allows them to cast their vote if they find themselves beyond Hungary's borders on election day. Prisoners and those permanently residing in medical institutions are also excluded. Only those citizens making a positive and active contribution to society, then, have the privilege of casting a vote. The implication inherent in this law that Hungarians living or working overseas at the time of the election are not making any such contribution. The outcome of national elections for Hungary's legislature is determined by a complex combination of simple majority and proportional representation systems. Of the 386 seats in the unicameral legislature, 176 are chosen from single-member constituencies and 152 are chosen from 20 distinct territorial multi-member constituencies, which follow the administrative county lines (in Hungarian megye, county).

Thursday, July 18, 2019

What it Means to become a Teacher

I used to think that the best part of being a teacher was the brightly colored bulletin boards, the smell of freshly sharpened pencils, the Crayola Crayons, and the endless supply of organized office supplies neatly placed on the teacher’s desk.I spent countless summers of my childhood assisting my mother, a third grade teacher, with the annual set up of her classroom. On those hot summer days, I admired the creativity, organization, and enthusiasm my mother holds for her profession. It inspired me so much that I decided I too wanted to be a teacher. I’ve come a long way in my initial reason of why I want to me an educator. With my experiences and education in ED109, the reading requirements, class discussions and interview, I now know that teaching is much more fulfilling than what I first observed so many years ago. It takes dedication, willingness to learn, thoughtfulness and compassion to thrive and survive in this profession.The following paper will explore my obse rvations of this experience. I’ll begin with my interview with my mother, a third grade teacher for the past fifteen years, in a low socioeconomic school district. I sat down with her and asked her to share her insight that might help me continue my journey as an up and coming educator. I asked her, ‘what is the best part of being a teacher?’ She responded, ‘every day you feel that you have made a difference in a child’s life. Whether it is teaching them to read, enhancing their social skills or celebrating their achievements – you know that you mattered. When it’s the end of the day and kids say ‘I want to stay here in school – it’s so much fun!’ you know you are the one that got them to love to learn.’When discussing this with my mother is made me look back at my experiences and helped me to anticipate the fulfillment of student success and the joy of learning. This made me understand the importance o f teaching and how teachers impact students every day. I went on to ask her about the challenges she faces in the teaching profession. My mother explained that it can be the work outside working and teaching students. She gave me examples of the paper work involved in keeping accurate scores and grading papers, bus duty, and at times endless school meetings that could be done more efficiently.She explained that is comes with the profession, but definitely not a favorite amongst teachers. When reading the chapters in Pearl Rock Kane’s book My First Year as a Teacher, I  saw other challenges teachers face. For example in chapter two, Ms. Nehemiah struggles to get her class on topic. The book states â€Å"I wanted to discuss F. Scott Fitzgerald’s use of metaphor in The Great Gatsby. They wanted to throw spitballs and whisper dirty words in the back of the room†(Kane 1991). This shows me that it is difficult to control a classroom as a first year teacher and how f irst year teachers need to come up with effective strategies to be in control. Ms. Nehemiah figures out strategies by communicating with her peers and other teachers that have the experience she doesn’t.This helped her realize her strengths and weaknesses. Her ability to take constructive criticism and reflect on herself is why she is still a teacher today. When interviewing my mother and reflecting on my readings, I was able to gain a better understanding of challenges in a classroom and what I can do to surpass the challenges to be the most effective educator. I wanted to know what she felt new educators needed to know before entering the profession.My mom clearly stated that â€Å"if you are not going to give it your all, don’t do it.† She reflected on a poor experience she had with a student teacher placement she had several years ago. She explained that the student teacher’s heart and passion just wasn’t there and the students and staff could feel it. I gathered from my mom’s response that a strong work ethic, passion for the profession, and willingness to reflect is what is needed to be an effective educator. Her response went along activities on pursuing the profession of teaching.During the class discussions and activities, I learned that there are multiple steps to become a teacher, such as in the state of Massachusetts, you are required to take the MTEL tests for you area of study to become a licensed teacher. Also, you have to maintain a master’s degree in art or science. I would not have had the knowledge of this if I wasn’t in this education class. This class has provided me with a deeper understanding on what it takes to become a teacher and what life as a teacher will be like. Later in the interview, I asked what do colleges need to so in order to prepare new teachers for the profession? My mother’s response was that all colleges and their education students need to dissect and inter pret the new Common Core Standards.I gathered from our conversation that new educators will be required to know the standards and will have to develop instruction accordingly. Principals and school districts will search out new educators that are experienced and  familiar with the Common Core. This conversation about the Common Core Standards made me realize that although we have not explored this topic in ED109, as I delve deeper into the education classes at Lasell College, I will look for opportunities to grasp these standards. Finally, I asked what can I expect if I become a teacher? She said ‘Expect that you will lose sleep at night thinking about how you will help Johnny read or that Mary needs a winter coat for recess.You will get out of bed and search your closets for a coat for Mary. You will finally get Johnny to read and when he does, you will celebrate on your car ride home with the radio blasting. You will celebrate and get discouraged. Your patience will be tes ted, but your heart will be filled. You will have to manage your time and give it your all every day.’ Her response can be connected to the reading and the discussions in class.I remember in class Jess stated something along the lines of ‘You worry about your students even though you aren’t in the classroom. You will lose sleep thinking about lesson plans and you will be stressed out. You can’t let the students see you crumbling if something doesn’t work out exactly as planned, because many things do not go perfectly in a classroom.’ This really stuck with me after being in the class, because it shows the passion and heart you have to have for the profession and if you don’t have that heart and passion you will not survive in the classroom. As for the readings, they connected to my mother’s response, especially in chapter six of My First Year as a Teacher by Pearl Rock Kane because it explains that this teacher worries about her students even after she has taught them.Ms. McClurg says â€Å"And I wonder if any of the students who shared in that fourth-period class remember the long dark winter that turned into spring and how they changed the life of a friendless boy named Leo – and the life of an inexperienced teacher†(Kane 1991). When reading this quote it really shows that a teacher really thinks and reflects about every student they have and had over the years. My thinking about education has developed over the course of the semester.I’ve been able to integrate the class discussions/activities, readings and experiences to develop a deeper, more meaningful understanding of what it takes to become an educator and why I belong in this profession. I plan to further investigate the best teaching practices and skills needed for teaching right here at Lasell College. I will utilize what I learned and now know I too  will make a difference in a child’s life.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Burger Machine SWOT Analysis Essay

As verbalise in the paragraph above, Burger simple railcars brand name is its main horn card in the burger st either commercialize this instantadays. When Filipinos think of affordable burgers from burger stable, they would most credibly think of Burger simple machine. This increases their chances for repeat and impulse buyers, which sets them apart from their competitors. TasteAside from the orders strong brand power, the unforgettable prove of its burgers should be considered as peerless of its strengths. The guild prides itself in creating special sauces as closely as having its own special coleslaw. This allows the keep partnership to separate itself from its competitors and too helps in attracting more than customers in the process. WeaknessesCleanlinessA stalls cleanliness is mavin of the most important find out factors of a companys business line. stable should always be kept as clean as possible and it seems that Burger gondola does not holdly adhere to this mixed bag of thinking. Burger machine stable atomic number 18 unremarkably old and rusty, for the company has not barely changed the way their stalls take up been presented and constructed all through and throughout these years. LocationLocation in like manner plays a vital part of in the overall cleanliness of a stall. Burger Machine stalls are usually located in dark, filthy, and dirty streets. This adds up to the overall unsatisfactory cleanliness of the nutrient stall. Management/ supporter drop of proper stall management should also be considered as unity of the weaknesses that are present in the company. Usually, one employee would be given the task of managing a Burger Machine stall. With all the foot traffic that the company foot attract in one day, the quality of service that the stall tin provide to its customers usually takes a hit, due(p) to the lack of personnel. OpportunitiesHigh Demand for horse opera provender in the PhilippinesFilipinos st raight off perplex adapted a Hesperianized kind of psyche when it comes to eating nutriment. The rise of burgers and other western types of nourishment in the Philippine mart are now starting to translate in a higher engage for burgers in the country. ThreatsEmergence of Jolly jeepJolly Jeeps are mobile stalls that are seen mostly some wawl center agencies and other offices. They basically cover wide variants of food, from rice meals to finger foods. This narks a threat to the company because of the fact that it can serve as an alternative for mint with low budgets, who like to have a wide selection of food to take up from. Wide Expansion of infinitesimal Burger piece Burger, one of Burger Machines biggest competitors now operates in major cities and provinces in the country. Burger Machine prides itself in being the 4th overall in total number of stalls in the Philippine merchandise place today. If competitors such(prenominal) as Minute Burger continue to embellis h to other regions in the Philippines, it can pose as a threat to Burger machine as well. CompetitionMinute BurgerMinute Burger has been the Burger Machines greatest pertain ever since the 90s. The company operates in major cities and locations around the Philippines and basically follows the very(prenominal) business concept that Burger Machine has been victimization all of this time. As of March 2012, the company has more than 130 enfranchisementes, which operates in more than 350 stores nationwide. Minute Burger, just like Burger Machine, sells its products through the use of mobile cart. They also have a wide variant of burgers to brook to their market and also other food offerings here and there. saints BurgerThe outgrowth of Angels Burger in the burger diligence started in the late 2000s. The company is one of the pioneering brands in starting the buy-one-take-one burger trend, which has been booming as of late. With their prices positioned lower than brands such as Burge r Machine, Angels Burger focuses on providing its customers a measurement of burgers, instead of its actual quality. Although there is no immediate information, that is available to consumers about the exact number of stalls that the company has, one cannot deny that numerous stalls of this franchise can be seen all around the Metro Manila region and is act to expand to other areas in the Philippines. Market NeedsQuick victuals ServiceWe are living in a fast-paced world and everybody seeks for a food source which can provide them with a quick, unless substantial meal. Cheap Food AlternativesPrices are going up apiece year from gas prices to other necessities. pack nowadays are thriftier when it comes to buying food. They often times have daily budgets, in order for them to go about their business without a fuss. Thus, it leads to the market to prefer food stalls, which are heavy in the stomach, but light in the pocket as well. Market TrendsBuy-one-take-oneLike it is said in t he aforementioned part of this paper, people nowadays seek to find the most bang-for-the-buck food alternative, and promos just like buy-one-take-one have been a necessity, most especially for lower market segments.

Merchant of Venice Spot Analysis Essay

Although the act ass title evanesces readers to believe its contents to pester Antonio, rather the turn of events surrounds a hated and hate Shylock the Jew. However, as Shakespeare so a lot does, several(prenominal) scenes are placed almost haphazardly inwardly the conflict and turmoil building amongst the master(prenominal) characters. a lot readers question the scenes appropriateness and necessity to the plays progression, and struggle to create connections to the plays main conflict and follo boostg resolution. The jewel casket scenes regarding the betrothal of the graceful Portia in The merchandiser of Venice play the role of the sources of confusion.Although the farinaceous of caskets seemingly re points Shakespeares dynamics on retire and marriage, the game is really a lesson in hu valet de chambree lessonity, judg ment, and tribulations. The lesson learned through Portias three suitors is priceless to the play as well as hu while life. Shakespeares ability to recognize and understand the confessedly nature of man is seen throughout the works of his career, and The Merchant of Venice is in essence a depiction of men judging one a nonher superficially. The three caskets present three versions of common human being rationales.As for each one suitor presents himself for the game, the audience is led through his ideal process and ultimate decision. The first suitor, Morocco, refuses the casket of leash and claims a gold mind stoops not to shows of dross. / Ill so neither guide nor hazard anything for lead (2. 7. 20-21). Morocco will not risk anything for the mere hopes of gaining only as precious as lead. Morocco, so far, is immensely materialistic. He abutting contemplates the ash grey casket. Morocco weighs his value with an even hand and decides his charge by thy estimation / dost deserve enough (2. 7. 5, 26-27).Moroccos own self-affirmation does not allow him to stoop to consume silver. Instead, he moves to the booming ca sket thus furthering his frank greedy and materialistic nature. Ist like that lead contains her? Twere damnation / to think so base a thought. It is too gross / to rib her cerecloth in the confuse grave (2. 7. 49-51). Obviously unbeknownst to Morocco, lead is the metallic element of choice in burial, and the irony only break dance proves this suitor unfit. Likewise Morocco did not view silver as more precious than gold, and refuses to settle for anything bite best.His vanity and greed leave him cold indeed, and labor befogged as he unwisely take aims the golden casket, and a lesson in humility and Christian grace is dog-tired (2. 7. 74). The lessons continue with the second suitor, Aragon. He quickly passes the weighted casket and moves to dismiss any affinity toward the golden casket. I will not claim what more men desire, / Because I will not beginning with common spirits / And rand me with the barbarous multitudes (2. 9. 30-32). Wisely, Aragon knows not to scarcely t rust the facts beheld by the eyes.He deciphers the riddle as addressing a throng of slangs blinded by beaut and oblivious of anything else. However, Aragon has just all but unattended the lead casket, yet he knows Portia shall look fairer if he give or hazard (2. 9. 21). Aragon knows a risk begets a better reward, but he does not choose this uncertainty. However, he ascertains his own desert without disbelieve. The silver casket should let none presume / to wear an undeserved dignity and Aragon believes men should only receive what is deserved (2. 9. 38-39).He questions the validity of an idealistic world of rightful desert. He wonders who shall go about / to cheat fortune, and be honourable / without the roll of merit (2. 9. 36-37). Aragons idealism does not understand the true nature of mankind. His rationality is absurdly naive, and this flakiness is all he keeps upon his departure. Bassanio, the final and probably least(prenominal) sincere suitor, also considers each ca sket in advance his decision. Bassanio is well aware how sinful and deceitful mankind behaves.He knows the outward shows appearances be least themselves (3. . 73). now the reader knows outward beauties will not fool Bassanio. How many cowards whose hearts are all as false / as stairs of sand, wear yet upon their chins / the beards of Hercules and fwoning mars, / who, inward searched, have lives white as milk (3. 2. 83-86) Bassanio asks himself in debate. The readers know Bassanio has spent his fortunes living an extravagant life. Assumedly, Bassanio encountered a vast variety of people in his travels and adventures, and through these experiences, he has discovered the triviality of appearances.Bassanio knows beauty is often an elaborate mask the seeming truth in guile times puts on / to entrap the wisest (3. 2. 100-101). Bassanio eliminate his doubt and chooses the lead casket, thus ending the game and harming Portias hand. Bassanios knowledge of men and their sinfully stain he arts leads him to wisely solve the riddle and win the desired prize. However, Bassanio is not meant to serve as the moral winner in this game. Instead, Bassanio provides support toward Aragons foolishness.Bassanio is the man who undeservedly gains power and advancement. Shakespeare places these scenes within a play full of the corrupt, yet he is able to alter and evoke sympathy for these men. Shakespeare utilizes these scenes to relay to the audience that human nature is not black and white, good or bad, right or wrong. The bad can notice the good and be intrinsically good in addition the good often know the bad and choose the evil in the face of personal gain.